Cookie Thread v3.0 - Random poster before post 5000 gets a cookie

plus most of the killers/survivors are locked behind a 10-20usd paywall

just be good at the game lol

Checking if DBD is on Steam.

ofc it is lol

at least the like
2 top tiers are free for killers

survivors are just aesthetic lul

like if you demand i play it with yall ill play it but i wont exactly
have fun

I was searching it and Steam decided to return every title except DBD.
Nice search engine eh?

steam search is wonky some times

Yep I noticed.

that’s why I’m bringing that up
in most cases you can just get by p easily

you had one job


did I pay 5 dollars only to be able to flex on y’all by posting in the cookie thread?




This is the marshal thread now




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btw gamers here’s a PSA

Most of us are talking on the server in @Simon’s profile. It’s unofficial but it has a lot of channels (consider them like threads) and we do cool things in there

It’s kind of the de-facto off-topic and is very personalized for FoL people and FoL people’s needs

We have gay rights and fredboat and wolfia

This isn’t trying to say like that you shouldn’t go on official server or anything, it’s just where a lot of us are hanging out in the absence of off-topic and we’d love to see y’all there

I have an inv link below too but if it’s expired just click the one in ami’s profile


Hi fellow gamer, I can just post here without 5 dollars.


get out mods

this is a texan only thread


I wish that it was [x] poster gets a cookie

the comedic effect of me trying to reach it would be good

even better if a mod just outright snipes it from me

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No, sorry.

Hey BOTC on amis server, join, also haha im gonna get the cookie