Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Low effort reads







You actually started doing something I can townread I mean.

why in the world am i so high? i’m asking to be lynched.
i know i’m town, sure, but no one else seems to think so and i refuse to ruin the game by staying alive if it means i’m in the perpetual PoE ala WYM Whysper.

I have you as a Townlean because I don’t think you’re scum?

…i was hoping for more detail but that works i suppose.

I think you’re scummy, but I’m not willing to risk fucking up this entire game just for lol!soulread. That is not how FM is played, that’s not how it should be played, and that is not how I will I play it.

Hey could I become an informed Spectator? This is my first post on here so I cant dm you I dont think! Sorry!

i wasn’t asking for a soulread, i’m not stupid and i don’t want to let a meme between us dictate the game.
i was just asking for a normal read, albeit from you specifically.

not going to lie my desire to vote out Trochi went up like 100 times when she started self-voting and ATEing

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Please don’t post in the main thread if you aren’t playing the game.

If you want to DM me or the hosts, click on the pfp and click message.

like, that’s an actual take, I do actually think it’s scum-AI for her to specifically talk about how she’s trying to improve her game, then respond to pressure in this way

He/she is a new member so he/she couldn’t dm, duh.

Moleland/Trochi are pretty much never W/W here based on Mole instaliking this specific post

I’ll be back before EOD. Still rather yeet Gorta at this point


I bumped you up to TL2, you should be able to DM people now

that was the point Arete.
don’t get me wrong i’m disappointed in myself too, i’d hoped i would pull out a better performance as well.
i am actively asking to be the yeet for today.


how do you think that you being yeeted today benefits town


i’ve stated it before but i’ll say so again. this is a Whysper situation in WYM where she endgamed yet got voted out in lylo because she had been left alive for so long in the perpetual PoE.
i don’t want this to happen and i refuse to let my presence fuck up the game for town in this way.

Tro, you have provided little content (although that seems to be a running theme for this game), and are self-voting whilst providing AtE. I also voted you. You know what my read is.

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