Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I love how you call a wagon YOU AGREED WITH A VANITY WAGON. Sigh. You do you, Alice.

Maybe in your world there is.

Like you only jumped on Wazza’s wagon when it was 5/8 despite him being a viable CFD and you sticking on gorta’s vanity wagon.

Ok so first off I believe Arete and Conduit both bussed Wazza to receive an extra point.
Arete also said that whoever I SR makes someone more likely Town which he knows damn well is false considering I’m right on my SR’s more then I’m wrong on them. It’s just sometimes my egotisticalness gets the best of me making others tend to have doubt within my reads.
Not to mention if they drain everyone else’s points they can win via votes.
also according to Conduit, he started to TR Eli based on something Arete wrote.
If Arete is Scum here, It’s always with Conduit.
Not Vice Versa.

Since no one can be convinced of this and I realize that of such, ill vote with Arete and Conduit so I can also receive a good sum of points so when it comes down to just before LYLO/MYLO I push them the best I can and hopefully convince all of you.
If we reach MYLO/LYLO I believe we just lose due to the points they tally up. In order for Arete and Conduit to play this correctly they would need to only take 1 ability or take low pointed abilities such as the Double Voter constantly. Meaning we can recognize it.

Arete also completely 180’ed once he realized Leafia’s wagon was going no where.
He said the following:

“we don’t really have enough agreement on a Leafia wagon for her to be viable, and like I mentioned earlier I think it would be really bad if the top wagon still only had 2 votes
and Leafia’s answer makes enough sense that she could maybe be town here”

While he did state the wagon was going no where which is fair. Him saying “answer makes sense that oh maybe they can be Town” doesn’t come from town Arete. The answer wasn’t even that great it was just a basic answer that should have already been obvious.

I feel Arete also stopped because he has a good chance to leap into Leafia’s pocket.
Also look what he wrote for Conduit (trying to discredit me):

“Conduitis honestly falling a bit for me, their reads are reallyhedgy. when I look at my reasons for not voting them I think that honestly my biggest one is ‘Surge is pushing”

How many times I outta say it, don’t use me as a reasoning behind a read. Not let me stop you or make you do stuff. Don’t let anyone stop you or let you do stuff. This is just a big wolfy excuse from you.

Anyway, maybe I will never convince all of you that Arete is scum. (Definitely won’t convince Leafia) Heck maybe I’m wrong even though I don’t believe I am. But look at Arete for yourself. Read what Arete has done. Then see for yourself on what you think about Arete and why.
Remember Arete is a strong player so you need more then “good posts” to TR him considering he can make “good posts” even as fuckin Jester, it’s completely NAI.

I’m kind of scared that Leafia might be TMIing me V here

(alright gotcha thanks!)

…if Arete’s a wolf i’m gonna be right up there chugging hot sauce with you Leafia.
their triple vote plan, to me, is one of the most villagery things about Arete as it literally takes a secondary nightkill away from the wolves. towncred is a hell of a price to pay for that tbh.

I think gorta’s just a villager by now. He was way too insisted on tunneling the 3p claim to the point that it would be extremely dumb for a wolf to do.

/Vote Arete

Don’t allow Arete to pocket you! :smile:

I’m just glad Arete didn’t kill me last night (assuming I’m correct)

(Arete prefers they/them pronouns my dude)

I ‘Jumped on’ like 3 minutes until EOD so I switched for the point and I was happy to be held accountable should Wazza flip town.

wow it’s almost like wolves consistently leave you alive because your read accuracy is just that bad

I’ll re-eval Arete later. A lot of shit point to a potential bus but I really don’t want to think too hard about tinfoils this early in the game.

My bad.

You can call me a she. IDC.

If that makes you feel better

Arete isn’t a wolf here Surge. That plan of theirs never comes from a wolf. Wolves have nothing to gain from it at all. This is why Arete was left alive I think. Because there’s still some idiots that don’t trust them.

Is it?

My accuracy is pretty good

I’d never lose a game where I’m the only one that decides the lynches.

No it isn’t Surge.