Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

It’s primarily that it looks like Arete could be powerwolfing, as the CFD d1 kind of came out of nowhere and everything else Arete has pushed has been mislynches. The fact that Arete’s still alive is kind of odd, but that’s not the end all be all reasoning

Like if you have town cred + power wolf you don’t need the vig shot

thanks for confirming that you haven’t actually been reading my posts

The whole triple vote thing is what Arete is mostly cleared on

Then why are you letting things happen
I don’t have a way to word it in a fancier way but, I haven’t seen you actively oppose the Light cuddle that’s currently happening. You have done a case on them iirc, yes, but you haven’t been actively pushing them which is odd.


I sure do love playing games where people sign up, barely actually play, and then push me for reasons that aren’t even true while refusing to so much as consider the possibility that they could be wrong

Judging just from that, GTH town. But there were also things I remember pinging me wolfy, such as their supposed case on me which was… bad, to say the least. Their insistence to clear me kinda seemed like TMI. Other than that, their tone etc. seem alright

@Aelin what were your reads again
What is your read on me right now, and why

Actually wait. Light should be asleep, it’s like 2AM… I don’t know whether or not to hope they went to sleep.

its 2am for arrot and they still here

I don’t oppose a Light lynch and I haven’t done much on the Arete case because I am somewhat confident, but not 100% and thus want to play this cautious. (the last time I death tunneled Arete I confbiased myself into finding wolfy things)


fol does not accept all caps but screw you, take care of yourself nerd

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What is your read on Light? Your current PoE in general?

You barely mention Wazza and then suddenly CFD to Wazza after making a sudden read

Anything on aroot after d1?

ah yes I ‘barely mentioned Wazza’

read my posts or stop trying to pretend that you have any chance of doing better than rand

I’m not asleep because I’m lame

I kinda gave my PoE earlier but overall I’m at


literally the entire argument against me makes no sense if you think about it for two seconds, which is admittedly longer than I’m pretty sure Gorta has actually thought about it


  • I literally never make these nightkills, I am in fact not a complete idiot and therefore I would never kill Leafia when she was sheeping all my votes, if I were a wolf she would basically have been a free extra scum vote, the ‘but towncred’ argument doesn’t make sense here because literally a free extra vote is worth less than towncred
  • CFDing to Wazza there as scum also makes no sense, like, the reason wolves bus is for towncred and I already had a fair amount of towncred, there were a few people tinfoiling me but not much in the way of active pushing and the top wagon pre-CFD was one of the most vocal anti-Arete pushes. (I also personally tend strongly anti-bus but that’s self-meta so whatever)
  • the Wazza CFD doubly doesn’t make sense to do as scum because if I were scum I would … have a scum partner … and I would want them to be able to get cred as well, since everyone else on the wagon is dead and a villager I obviously did not try to set things up to make a partner get cred
  • also I am in fact not stupid, I am capable of making basic predictions about the gamestate, people being like ‘why did Arete not die???’ was a super predictable outcome of me pushing a wolf and not dying so as a wolf I would … not do that …
  • if you actually read my posts surrounding Wazza I was clearly scared he was going to flip town. if you actually read my posts surrounding Conduit I was clearly scared he was going to flip scum and I would end up getting tunnelled by Surge. none of you are actually reading my posts but, like, hypothetically you could do that




pat pat

FM is stressful, I know.
Take a 10-minute break to cool off, please? It’s not good for your mind.


why does this post feel like you know I’m a villager