Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

i like how u just
Call him out by his real name
Gonna feel weird if anyone else did that to me

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This is actually a bit ironic because I was starting to question myself as the bad looks were piling up, but reading your angry wallpost made me confident again

i didnt even know that was his real name
thats kinda awkward

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to whatever subset of you are villagers

neither of you is making ANY ATTEMPT to figure out my alignment

you’ve come up with an objectively non-sensical tinfoil and concluded that since you can in theory construct a world where I could be a wolf that therefore you ~must~ be ~right~


and neither of you is even acknowledging the possibility that you could be wrong

I think that mathematically speaking we need as many villagers as possible to buy triplevoter tonight if I get voted out here, because otherwise scum can just force a villa exe off of pure voting power

I haven’t run the numbers and in particular it’s possible that votestealer is mathematically better

You know what
I sincerely apologize if you sre indeed town
Hopefully you’ve played enough games with me by now to know that paranoia is like 60% of my reads
And although I am starting to doubt myself, I really dont wanna back down from this

You’re voting the townleader
off of acknowledged paranoia
In potential MyLo

I see.

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I don’t want an apology I want you to try to apply basic reasoning skills

Oh wait
Answer me

what did i do this time

Ping pong @Appelsiini

How do you people keep missing pings

ping pong @Appelsiini

I responded
you missed my readlist

Oh wait. You did, I remember it. I’m clearly too tired

Im applying the most logic i have
And its telling me you’re scum

There have been at times where your reasoning hasn’t really followed the act of a nonguilty person

Im afraid that this might be my paranoia overshadowing me like people are saying
But i think this time my paranoia has basis



Light's voting habits and shade

What pings me is that Light pushes on some LHF, sits on it for a bit, and then goes “well, actually they are semi towny” and then stops.To me this says that Light semi has TMI and is trying to find something that they can push and they did with Conduit and Mole. Like it was convenient that Mole is accused after Conduit flips town. Light also does very little to solve these slots and primarily makes Scum Reads and casts shade on these people.

I am reasonably confident that all wolves are within PKR/Light/Eli/Derps (not accounting for Lemon’s alignment)

this is a larger PoE than I’d like but half the game isn’t actually bothering to play, so

‘reasonably’ here means like 80 percent, I don’t think it’s completely ridiculous for Gorta to be snowing me and technically it could be cloned as well but I really don’t think so

tomorrow if scum can’t just win off of voting power do your best to force crossvotes in that group

I ??think?? Light/Eli pretty much always contains a wolf, maybe I’m wrong and spec chat is laughing at me but if you force a crossvote there that’s not awful?

not sure how much conventional vote order ideas matter when there aren’t locked votes, which I think there aren’t

/vote Derps @CRichard564

I’m against an Arete cuddle. We have ~15 minutes.