Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

what is the difference between lylo and mylo?

That’s true, but if they have the wolf socially they can try to tie the vote today

screw meta, meta only works on a few people here

I don’t think Cloned busses his second teammate instead of piling on Arete

First of all this seems like an admission of guilt :eyes:

The fact that you’re voting for PKR is just another reason why i think PKR is town, i have other ones

…i piled onto Arete though?
Im confused as what you’re trying to say here

Currently we have Arete, PKR, gorta, and Appel on the table.


I think lemon is scum here, most importantly for their vote on PKR first thing today with the note “gg town” - i really cant see this as anything else than an invitation for scum to vote similarly. Why would anyone vote so quickly on something they realize is simply “you’re the only one i dont have a read on” and not take the vote down after their positions have softened?
I dont see much point debating this, we kill lemon tmrw if we survive tonight.

Up until EoD4, the point totals of these indivduals should be:
Arete - 10 + 1 - 5 + 1 - 2 + 1 +1 = 7
Gorta - 10 - 5 + 1 - 2 + 1 + 1 = 6
PKR - 10 - 5 = 5
Appel - 10 - 5 + 1 = 6

And if scum did their check, they would’ve and could’ve checked d2: of the 4 above, all except appel acted n2, but light also did not act, so from there scum is exactly appel or light did the check.

None of the above can votesteal, so they couldnt have just won by votestealing.

Possible contingency points for each individual, at least for me:

  1. NKA - 2 individuals that did/could have read them as scum is dead, and they are alive as probably the strongest player
  2. Strawman - they fiercely defended themselves last night, but went to lengths to represent me/gorta’s views as negative, which usually does not come from a logical individual like arete.
  3. Mole push - their initial suspicion + argument on mole were not as stably founded as other previous ones.
  1. Questionable vote - they voted, near last-minute, on moleland with absolutely 0 explanation at the time.
  2. Quick agreements - throughout the game, regardless of the geniuneness of my scumread on arete, gorta has consistently been quite enthusiastic about pursuing it.
  1. NKA - Surge is indeed the only individual that extremely strongly scumread PKR.
  2. Refusal to cooperate with points - they have acted independently in terms of purchasing votes, which would potentially have confirmed him if he had followed the plans. He went to lengths to argue that he had purchased a triplevote when he hadn’t.
  3. Inactivity - when Light/Arete was being voted on, they were absent, completely away from the thread.
  1. …I really don’t have anything that comes to mind here

Arete #1 and 3 are excusable to scum tactics/personal mishap
Gorta #1 has been explained, although not extremely fully.
PKR #1 is excusable to scum tactics, and PKR #3 isn’t even a valid argument; if it is, it’s an argument for their towniness.

So at this point, looking at the current evidence, I have the above order as greatest/least likely to be scum. If anyone has additional arguments (or any for Appel, help), please respond

unrelated quesiton
do any of you ever have the feeling where you think “wow i would be a god if I was doing this as scum right now”

I’m going to go look at interactions on each of those with Light, as well as any possible point of signaling.

Be back in a few hours

LyLo = execute or lose, you have to execute a wolf or you lose

MyLo = misexecute and lose, if you no-exe town can still win

it’s complicated in this game because of vote mechanics

I’m kind of confused by this point given that cloned did in fact vote me (like I think cloned is a villager but)


okay I could be really dumb here


someone stole Seth’s vote N2, and it’s impossible to buy multiple things during the same cycle, if the person who did it was town they would have claimed it by now

so if we’re assuming that scum actually did check Lemon’s points does that mean the last wolf has to just be Appel?

this is probably dumb and there’s something that I’m missing but

From reading individuals

Current top scum:

Me: Arete
Arete: PKR
Lemon: PKR
PKR: Appel
Gorta: Appel (I think)

right that was a thing

The stealer, mechanically, cannot be Arete, gorta, PKR
This also happens to be the night that scum would’ve checked Alice’s alignment
so the only one alive that could’ve stole surge’s vote is appel or Alice
And because Surge was not notified, it was not a votesteal

so basically we have appel or alice scum
…doesn’t tell us much
who did Surge scumread D2?

there’s 2 other possibilities

  1. Exactly Datbird stole the vote and wasn’t able to communicate that he stole first thing in the morning
  2. Exactly Alice stole the vote

…neither of which seems plausible
…but then again in what world do you steal a vote from Seth

he was super tunnelled on a me/Conduit team

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@Appelsiini good morning

would you like to claim the votesteal on Surge

Dat didn’t die until N3 though so he/Trochi could have claimed it on D3

…although now that you bring it up, it could have been Leafia, and I actually can see a world where Leafia is like ‘Seth is pushing Arete, Arete is town, I’m going to steal Seth’s vote’

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who died right after that vote

maybe they didn’t for some reason lmao

am now convinced

we wait for appel now i guess


how about I just make a timeline

D1 - not relevant
N1 - not relevant
D2 - not relevant
N2 - Leafia dies
D3 - we vote out Mole, Seth is revealed publicly to have no votes
N3 - Dat (previously Trochi) dies

so if Leafia bought a votesteal the same night she died, she never could have told anyone but I think it still would have gone through

if Trochi/Dat bought a votesteal N2, then remained silent about it all of D3, then that could technically be possible, but I think Dat would have mentioned it

Alice could technically have done it but it would be really weird

Appel could have done it

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doesn’t really make sense for scum!Appel to do that either

hell the only person it’d make any remote sense is you, and even then it’s questionable without your logged night action


I mean it literally can’t have been me, you can’t buy two things in the same cycle and I bought doublevoter

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even if you hadn’t
I’d question it

h u h

h u h u h u h

I mean
It’s not out of character