Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

that took like two hours and I feel like I didn’t even get very much from it


my own reads and analysis are telling me to vote Appel but I don’t want to get yelled at in postgame by Surge if it’s actually PKR

Luckily it will not happen because I am not scum.
I ask that if any town have points that yall need to use it tonight so that maf cannot just buy out town for free win

unless I screwed up the math I should have some points? (although I did buy double-voter for today)

@wolves if we miss today you should kill me tonight so I can’t out-voting-power you

totally not just saying this because I don’t want to be alive in MyLo

if PKR really bought triplevoter last night that’s a mildly compelling argument for cuddling Appel over him, if my vague sense of how many points they have is accurate W!Appel would be more threatening than W!PKR tomorrow

alternatively I could just do a better job of sorting my PoE so that we can get the last wolf today, but

can’t wait to be blamed by spec chat/dead chat no matter who the last wolf is


I will have 1 at most tonight if I am on the wagon.
So even if I was scum I would only be able to point check lmfao

are you 100 percent hardclaiming triplevote? like if you turn out not to have it you will be outed™ wolf™?


I said I would read and fell asleep at 3pm


if EoD happened now who would you vote?

Starting with me:

currently leaning Appel

This is about the only thing Wazza says about Eli/Appel. I have already went over how Wazza/Light handled Arete, but yeah. I townread Eli, but I suppose this could kind of look like a parner-y interaction. I don’t think there will be much valuable info from Wazza’s ISO itself. Light will be the goldmine

although, crap like this makes my paranoia meter over Arete go up 10 fold, like who uses the word “powertown” unless you are gloating about your wolf going deep

I am just going to cover Eli/Appel and PKR in one post because I am tired and feel very lazy

/vote Appel


might change my mind later but this is what I’m feeling right now

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon 1/4
Appel Arete 1/4
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, PKR, cheese

looking back at points
if everyone that could bought stuff
im the only one with one vote :’(

The main reason I don’t want to think it’s Appel is because Eli was being towny for me, as opposed to SFoL 64. Eli does interact with Light, but he doesn’t do it much.

where’s your head at currently?


does a wolf make this post ten seconds before EoD if they know Light is about to flip wolf


what specifically made you try to switch to Light yesterday?