Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I can intimidate my Town Meta sure.
But my posting would be different then it is here.
I’m also allot less genuine as Wolf.

No, I would try to come up with something with more sustenance because I don’t consider myself LHF.

That’s the plan.jpg

“you’re pushing LHF” can only apply to people like Conduit and even then I hate using those reads because they suck in general. I would rather make a genuine case for them being town over just saying “X is LHF and thus town”

I am alive™
Life is pain

back for a few moments
what be the VC @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

pretty sure (?) it hasn’t changed

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/vote Light

I buy it

starts to doubt right after voting

Am out of shower and fresh

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Arete cheese, Derps 2/5
Light CallMelo, Lemonfairy 2/5
Derps Light 1/5
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, PKR, Arete

although if a gorta wagon appears I’d jump on it

but the problem is I can’t see a light/gorta w/w

ok this is random but I keep thinking of gouda cheese whenever I see gorta

I feel like light is typing up a long explanation and I should wait and read it but I also just want to sleep

cheese would be me :stuck_out_tongue:
Any interest in voting Arete over light?

Arete is a strong town read for me

I won’t be consumed by paranoia


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If you’re here

who’d you like to vote?

currently I’m thinking Light (see my earlier wallpost)

but I haven’t finished re-reading (I still have PKR, Derps, and EliAppel left to do)

ISOs suck and I Do Not Like Them

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