Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I feel like @Aelin would be the only one to Thug me because he knows.

why not PKR?
after all, you were voting them :eyes:

one thing per night

I mean I literally wrote a wallpost on why I’m sus of Light

so yes, I’m willing to vote him

part of what I’m trying to do write now is get other people’s thoughts on the Light case so that I don’t mess things up again

did my self-ISO not pique your fancy?

Let’s play a pre flipping game, who is wolf with Light in your opinion?

I read it

I’m trying to consider it

He knows it’s PKR.

I don’t like to do preflips but at this point I’m like ‘maybe Appel’? I still need to re-read Derps/PKR/Elippel

(yes, Seth, I know you think it’s PKR, and I hear what you’re saying, I’m just … I’m not sold on it being Definitely For Sure Correct)

@CRichard564 @Zone_Q11 vc plz

It’s very possible that I am wrong about Arete, but I don’t know how many of the alive players would rather frame Arete over kill Arete

Right and it’s not for sure.
But with a 93% chance I’m going for it.
And split the rest Between mainly You but also Appel/Derps but not so much Appel.

Light would.
PKR Would.
Derps would agree if his partner agreed.
Appel’s done it before.
You wouldn’t.
Cloned Wouldn’t.

we have
most people willing to vote light

who has not said it yet

i count appel because they no exist
who else

what’s this supposed to mean ):<

Also remember when Mole called the Wagon Pure And didn’t believe him and got him ML’ed?
Yeah, hope you learnt your lesson there buddy.

And you didn’t*

You would rather kill Arete.

but what about Eli?

Has PKR?