Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon 1/4
Appel Arete,gorta 2/4
[Not Voting] Appel, PKR, cheese

I wish I could make something more detailed in terms of reasoning, but I am too tired for that.

As far as I can remember Appel left someone generally townread alive in WYM as well, but I don’t know about this game

Who I am voting today I have made clear, same as if I game is not over.
If Cloned, Arete or even Lemon somehow are mafia then gg.

If not then Appel, Gorta… I wish you both best of luck.
Hopefully if you are innocent Gorta, game should end today

i still wanna ask gorta to swap to arete

if they’re still here to talk then maybe, but I think their vote’s locked at Appel

back off on Arete they’re not scum


also Appel is townier than PKR by a lot
spits bubbles

If Appel is a mislynch and I get NK’d, please go after PKR

talk to me about this?

99% sure
I’m the NK here

if you could come back

that’d be great

So I’m back, and I read 2/3 things I said I was gonna read

Starting with the Pointcheck:

Pointcheck analysis

Light’s tone is
Blatantly acting here.
They’re nearly implying here that Lemon is 100% scum; coming from scum, the logical progress there for anyone else would be “well Light was probably trying to set up a ML.”

But the tone is blatantly acting - it wouldn’t have been too off-point if he had said “Oh nooooo, Lemon is totally scum here, oh noooooo.” The killing blow comes when even after making this analysis, they largely ignore it and don’t even try to CFD to a near confirmed scum even when they were dying. -1 brownie points for light.

And from this, -1 brownie points for Arete: even though they acknowledged that Lemon could be scum from that, they don’t really interact with it further, even though they are top wagon (at this point they’re tied I think because of triplevote). Yet they do not CFD onto Lemon, which tells me that Arete likely knows that Lemon is scum.

And now let’s go into Damning points for each individual from EoD4. For PKR simply not existing, there’s no points on them; however, I would think them not existing contributes a tiny bit to their towniness.

Arete Damning points

depiction of the 2 pushes on “flailing around or tunneling,” showing disapproval of any pushes on Arete. Judging from the fact that Light is not a large busser (they didn’t bus Wazza D1), this would be indicative of them supporting Arete, their teammate.

Same there, buddy-buddy with Arete.

All posts quoted are activity tells ):<

My thing from yesterday, on them strawmanning

World building + can be seen as setting up a ML based on an inevitable outcome

Appel's Damning points

Even though they are voting light, they are still convinced that Light is indeed town

Above but a little more explicit

Same stating that Light feels towny, except putting a little distance just in case Light flips

Appel's saving points

Quick turn onto scum at EoD when they could’ve voted out Arete instead

Light never answers this, suggesting that the reasoning was TMI

Arete's saving points

Explains their own reasoning + refutes claims against them, logical explanations - point 1 and 4 is something that comes from town

The one thing from gorta I saw

Pretty good I guess since they push on Light, looking into their reads (correctly) and pointing out the mistakes from the viewpoint of a townie.

Overall I don’t think they would be aligned with Light here


Ara ara.



PKR and Gorta are almost never aligned with Light; it never benefits them to continuously distance themselves from Light D4.

Light was evidently acting (poorly) yesterday; in no world is “oops I forgot to do the check” points to their towniness. At best it points to them actually not knowing Lemon’s role; if they actually knew Lemon’s towniness, they could’ve just stayed silent, waited for town to realize that scum had stayed quiet, and had a easy ML. Furthermore, Light didn’t even try to kill Lemon even after he supposedly realized Lemon’s scumminess.

As for Arete, Light clearly opposed the lynch on them and were quite friendly. Whereas Appel had a few confused moments and was wrong, Light spent a lot of time claiming Arete was town and bringing gorta and myself down together with Arete, even though if they had joined the Arete push they would not have died.

I may look like I am tunnelling

Arete and Lemon are the last scum here, and EoD4 clearly points to it.

Vote Arete with me.

/vote Arete @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

…why do i feel like I was too late with this

Please, please have enough time to at least look over my points.

I need you here aaaaa


and in W!Arete worlds how does it benefit me to aggressively case and push Light

first of all I didn’t see you do that until in the 2nd half of day
which may be due to general inactivity but im inclined to think otherwise

And if the 2 wagons are W/W, it’s always beneficial for you to aggressively push the weaker player

sorry light

I know what you are saying.
I have read your posts fully but like… I really cannot bring myself to think it is Arete.
I cannot, Cheese.

I do not mind how much you blame me at EoG but I cannot vote Arete over Appel at all.

I’ve made my points

I think them not pushing Lemon over themselves is pretty scummy in itself.
Light also tried to protect them EoD3.

If neither of those change your mind
Then well I’ve failed, hopefully I’m horribly wrong here

…so why did I decide to take the ‘hardpush Light’ strategy instead of the ‘push literally any other wagon’ strategy