Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

also for the record I have a doublevote

I think I said that earlier but I figure it’s worth a reminder since the vote is 2-“2” right now

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon, Appel 2/4
Appel gorta, Arete 2/4
Arete cheese 1/4
[Not Voting] PKR

Appel if you have any number of extra votes please claim it now

Arete, why do you think it’s me again? Just a quick summary

I do not.

I don’t know if you remember the possibility, but if Lemon is scumsided and we make the wrong cuddle, the game could already end if you miscuddle me right now.

If its technically a 2v3
I can go on pkr wagon just so that i can tie it :^)

/vote Arete


oh man am i glad to see ya

question marks

We have an extra day right? Then this is the safest play

Do you have any extra votes

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon, Appel 2/4
Arete cheese, gorta 2/4
Appel Arete 1/4
[Not Voting] PKR

…neither of those are true

We can’t be sure about it. If we miscuddle and Lemon is scumsided, won’t it be 2v2?

I thought you asked about us not being in mylo

We only have an extra day if we noexe or kill lemon here

  • PoE – I have good reasons for clearing cloned, semi-decent reasons for clearing Gorta, and some reasons for clearing PKR
  • Light’s interactions with you are overall worse than his interactions with anyone else alive, not just on a “he defended you” level because obviously wolves can defend town but more broadly
  • when I look at what you’ve done today, and what he’s done today, what you’ve done feels more “genuine”

And im saying
We are most definitely in mylo

Regardless of what people think zone modconfirmed

…yeah, no

both my scum candidates are in the rand right now, I will vote PKR to prevent a tie