Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Yes there is.

Pkrs reaction to Alice claiming neut is rand v

Give me your reasons.

If you can provide a compelling enough case I might.

Same as Arete’s reasons mostly. I’m trusting in her judgement. She was right about Wazza after all.

And those reasons are…?

Look at their ISO.
Also they claim their Eli TR came from Arete yet they didn’t TR Arete until a little later and their Eli TR increased which makes no sense from a Town PoV.

Go back and read them yourself.

Need to go rn. Brb later.


I feel like a lot of your posts today can basically be summed up as ‘but I [Moleland] put Wazza as a scumlean and voted him at EoD, so I can’t be his partner’

which … I personally don’t find to be a particularly compelling argument, because I’ve seen you wolf before and you’re super willing to bus your partners (mostly thinking of CFM here)

if you are a villager can you, like, focus on solving the game here

I want you to say them

Thing is, Arete will never Vote Conduit here if I’m right. (Vote with Intent to Kill)
Because he can never pull off a solo win if Conduit dies today.

Why? I can’t remember what they are. Hmmm, Surge has a compewlling case on Conduit though.

/vote Conduit @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

What do you think about Conduit Arete?

Arete isn’t scum here.

… You what?

But correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that kinda your argument?


when you get the chance, can you talk to me about your PoV when you made these two posts?

Who’s PoE atm

my argument for what

Anyone that Arete can throw in that isn’t Conduit
