Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I have no idea how anyone could be scumreading Arete after yesterday honestly. I don’t think Conduit is town either. His defense is pretty much the same one that Wazza gave.

/vote Conduit @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

Those of you pushing on Arete are doing exactly what scum want you to do. Stop it.

This is a weird thought and idk why you would say it

How do you know he didn’t Cheese?

cheese TMI?
cherry picking?
the world may never know

I won’t be a bit surprised if I’m the N2 kill honestly.


PKR thinks that people are gonna buy votes from him.
People tend to reflect themselves onto other people
As such, we can guess that PKR has the capability to steal votes
Thus PKR did not buy 3vote

I would be :eyes:

Here’s some reads. I have a really long day already and I’m not at my relatives house now so I can do some stuff

Top TRs And SRs

  • Arete: Still keeping on to this read. Lets first discuss WHY I think Arete is town. The first thing you can see from them is their “everyone buy triplevoter” strat. Not going into too much detail, but the strat seems pretty town-y if you look at it correctly. Block all scum from getting vigilante and if any outliers refuse, execute them. I doubt that Arete would shoot themselves in the foot like that, and block off a kill just like that. They were also the first person to really sus Wazza and get them executed. Counterarguments can be “well arete would shoot themselves in the foot and also bus a teammate d1, but honestly I’m kinda at the point where I don’t care. Plus arete is kinda defending me and I think scum would rather mislynch me than pocket a lost cause (which would make them look more suspicious in the short run).
  • Troch - I like this TR honestly. SR Wazza quite early on and voting patterns seem correct. They just seem they want their voice heard and get their reads out in the thread tbh. Post of their posts look like they come from town, and I doubt Troch would try bus Wazza. Feeling this is town for now.


  • Derps - Not much from this slot, just “X town” with little reasoning for most of the town reads.

Notes: I’m trying to find some other SRs, but that would take 50 years and I’ll instead just post some possible contenders that I’ll decide moreover later in the game

  • PKR? - Just putting this here since their votes, will decide later. (Also possible that scum was actually just bussing Wazza due to the point mechanic.)
  • Eli? - I’ll probably decide this in time, most of their iso is similar to Derps, but meta stuff ™️ so won’t SR for now.

Also some more notes

Leafia - Most of this iso is just them agreeing with Arete so could be a pocket attempt, but what do I know :woman_shrugging:

Cheese - Last time I check a lot of their iso was about Alice? I don’t really know where to put this guy atm lol.

Also btw when’s EOD just asking :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn, right on the money.
I can just buy tri vote if there is a double night kill to show that I did not use vigi

28hrs 39mins

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If I was scum, I would’ve killed Arete last night honestly.

Like who else is the other wolf aside from Conduit? Who are the villagers?

I wanted to bait scum into trying to buy my “votes” when I only have 1 because then not only is it not much of a loss but I gain points and can maybe do a triplevote and a double or something like that.

Also it would mean whoever buys my vote cannot do vigilante


so like

you spent multiple posts on D1 talking about how my plan is a Good Idea That Makes Me Town For Suggesting It

and then … you didn’t even do it??

can you explain your thought process here

Sure, honestly it was bait.
I know I should have done it, but like, I can do it whenever.
I assumed many people would do triplevote anyway and I did not just want madness.

I think the later I can wait, the better as then the percentage of scum to town changes.

Also I am still up for doing it whenever so if I have made myself suspicious here then I can buy whatever you want.