Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

…this unfortunately has V!PKR vibes for me.

Exactly, I knew that by not following it, then baiting, that I would appear as my town self.
I dislike some of the meta on me but I know how to use it now sometimes >.>

for what purpose were you trying to ‘appear as [your] town self’?

So I can be correctly read and not mislynched for fucking once
I would much rather be killed than MLd

It makes sense that he did it to be like “wow look i totally have 3 votes so steal from me people”

Towny attitude to try and troll scum

This actually put pkr way up my townlist

inb4 pkr flips scum

Town: You, PKR, Leafia and Light.

What. The. FUCK.

Conduit’s Logic:
I TR Eli!
My TR on Eli has increased!
Oh, I also TR Arete as well!
Let’s drop Eli to Null but I no SR “Yet”
Arete now Top TR! Yay!

Yeah at this point Arete is just trying to make people look more wolfy then they actually are but is failing at it.
I think even @Alice agreed.


Vote Conduit with me they are most likely Arete’s partner
If you haven’t voted Conduit yet, do so now
You know what to do Girl!

I was thinking leafia

What makes you think Arete is scum Surge?

Already explained Conduit is most likely and I need to sleep

Leafia is in their town meta and Arete sees pocket from Leafia and takes it.
It isn’t W/W.
To answer you there Cloned.

If you don’t believe me you will after Conduit flips Scum.
Now I GTG to sleep, don’t let me down guys!

…you realize EoD is in >24 hours

the amount of WifoM here is slightly making my head hurt

but I think probably PKR … saying that everyone should do a thing and that I am town for suggesting people do a thing … and then not doing the thing … and then saying that he didn’t do the thing but was trying to bait scum … and then, when Alice townread him for it, saying that he intentionally did that sort of inconsistent thing to deliberately imitate his town meta for towncred … probably doesn’t come from scum?? because why would you admit to doing it if you’re scum??

like I think probably scum PKR does not say that he was intentionally imitating his town meta for towncred in the game-thread

uhh idk what to do

i think my time is up now :sob:

tbh theres honestly nothing i can give rn that would appease the fol gods

maybe shouldnt be accepting my fate before EoD but what else do i do here :woman_shrugging:

also agree with this if arete is really scum