Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

You enjoying your scum chat their light?

That’s what I was typing, baka.

Calculating points.

Here’s the deal, I will take a second look at Light and might be willing to vote there,but I want people who strongly believe light is scum to case that

Care a little

you said you had a SL/SR on arete

care to say it?

How TF do you have 6 Points?

Light Scum Slipped Mechanically

I think everyone who can buy triple voter should buy it tonight. Which is… everyone, except for cloned, apparently. If everyone can, SDA thugged Seth. Otherwise, we have our culprit. Or they’ve been spending points on scum-shit, in which case, we might have them anyway.

Gorta, Light is Lying about his points.
Vote Them!

10 - 5 from triple voter + 1 from wagon on conduit

you’re not being very smart, Seth.

I want to case it better, but the main point is that Arete is still alive, just randomly lived after CFDing a wolf, led the execution to two sus villagers (could be seen as powerwolfing), and no other wolf has flipped


It ain’t revealed until EoD and you know it.

Oh my calculation was wrong.

i’ve only done the math for you twice

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Alice’s slot is also alive, but she hasn’t been strongarming the thread in the way I have seen from scum!Alice also lol!noot

So, the case is that Arete bussed for towncred and is now powerwolfing?

I will be buying triplevoter tonight and so far I have been on no wagons so I only have 5 points total which will be 0 if I am not on the wagon of the day

I am willing to no-vote and get a strike today and buy triple-voter tonight, if necessary.

Won’t change the fact it ain’t revealed till EoD.