Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town


we at 4v2

and yes lemon I am counting you as scum

tf is this even

no, I’m asking where you pulled that BS from

i have orchestra rehearsal i need to prepare for

but best case scenario for town, even if they correctly identify the scum member, is to tie since you have votestealer

I’m asking nobody to vote, since it’s actual MyLo this time

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon 1/4
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, PKR, cheese, Arete

because PKR is scum since I townread everyone else

a read I’m doubting right now because of how non-sensical you’re being


scum!lemon has 2 votes today, maybe 3

one of us is not going to have any votes

that makes 3 scum votes v 3 town votes, or maybe even 4 scum v 4 town if someone bought something

you realize at this point the noot has a very high chance of being town for the fact that you’re alive :eyes:


i can english

yes, I am town-sided

Surge was obviously a bigger threat to the last remaining scum (PKR).

I feel like I’m communicating with a wall here.


I’m debating the WIFOM of this

a wall made of cheese

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yes, listen to the scum
great idea (sarcasm)

if you don’t trust my slot, just lynch the last scum then see if the game still continues or not

…that’s exactly why im not trusting you on killing PKR :eyes:

this isn’t about trust
I don’t need you to trust me

I just need town to lynch scum

it kinda is about trust

cuz my 5% willingness to vote PKR went down to half that :eyes: