Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Surge was also blocked by Forum update and night killed.

You won’t convince me that Surge wasn’t robbed here

I will, but it will take a while since Arete + Surge have a combined postcount of ~900 posts.

Read Accuracy


Scumreads a townie with godawful reasons.

Uses Incorrect mechanics to construct a Correct 5-person PoE when there are only 8 people (excluding Surge) left.

Once more, uses godawful reasoning to scumread a town.

Correct Townreads on first read (4) : Leafia, PKR, Insanity, gorta
Incorrect Townreads on first read (1) : Light
Correct Scumreads on first Read (1) : Wazza
Incorrect Scumreads on first Read (6) : Conduit, Arete, Moleland, clonedcheese, Derps, Trochilidae

Correct Townreads after Re-evaluation (2) : Moleland, Arete
Incorrect Townreads after Re-evaluation (0) :
Correct Scumreads after Re-evaluation (1) : Light
Incorrect Scumreads after Re-evaluation (1) : PKR

4 - 1 + 1 - 6 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 0

Things Surge did right that does not involve correctness of reads

Does not assume that he cannot be wrong, which is a big improvent for Surge, but something Arete has been capable of for a looong time.

Things Surge did wrong that did not involve correctness of reads.

Proposes to lynch Arete, who he townreads over Light, who is lockscum to him.

Completely ignores a valid point from Trochi because it proves him wrong.

Says he is not tunneling, while acknowledging that he’s tunneling. (When he shouldn’t even be tunneling in the first place) :wowee:

Now I have to do this for Arete.

Welp, see you in an hour or two. Was about to do this quickly for Surge since he basically just spams his reads with very little reasoning.

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I just noticed how no one pays attention to the fact that Arete uses they/them pronouns :frowning:

I don’t have enough time right now so I’m not going to quote Arete’s entire ISO.

I will admit that early Arete’s townreads were worse than Surge’s.
I will probably check tomorrow but I think Arete’s reads in general were slightly better than Surge’s. (Although I’m definitely biased since they have actual reasonings for their reads)

Things Arete did right:

  • Consider other people’s reads.
  • Disprove other people’s incorrect scumreads.
  • Use the game’s mechanics to improve town’s chance of winning.
  • Possibly other things I forgot.

Anyway, gtg.

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I have

I didn’t mean it literally. Sorry if I offended you!

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However they voted out ‘better’ town members than Surge did.

Arete - Needed to lynch Conduit and Moleland to game solve. Talked out of lynching leafia and forced to lynch pkr because of no voting

Surge - Needed to lynch conduit and pkr to game solve. Bad push on arete but reassessed before it was too damaging.

Mole - Needed to lynch conduit, derps and maybe gorta to game solve. Incorrect push on Troch/dat was corrected before any flips

They TR’d this iirc. Anyway, I’ll look at it either tomorrow or tonight.

They voted this

Well, it is objectively correct play to vote the top wagon at EoD when it’s obvious it’s not going to change.

Quickly skimmed Arete’s EoD and they re-evaluated and had conduit as null I think

Doesn’t mean they get a free pass for it. Thye never argued “This is town, this is a mistake”

It’s a team player award and I think the final day from arete exemplifies that In a way surge never did.

Surge did well.

But it’s an award specifically meant to ignore reads and instead predicated on how well you worked with other players in the game.


But arete had a massive advantage of being alive at endgame to actually be a team player


You can look at the average amount of team play while Alive

Arete is still higher imo they just like actively tried to help others work through their read on them and lead the charge at EoD1 to bring together a relatively scatttered town

They had longer to do it but I don’t think surge can, specifically for team play, have the best resume.

I’ve argued with you before and you don’t change your mind so I’m not going to continue to do it

And the awards don’t matter at all and are a wackass system anyways

I think arete did deserve this one specifically

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree then

Oh, ok, so you’re just going to “disagree” with whatever argument we bring up.

Cool, I’m not wasting more time on this then.

You’re not budging from your position either and that makes me the bad guy? :man_shrugging:

Well, we’ve brought up arguments for why our position is correct and refuted your arguments but you just don’t care.