Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Relax. Chill.
Don’t go full Cowboy now.
Just place it on him and wait for him to post more to get a better read on him.
No need to jump your gun out of your pocket and throw your hat on.

We want to avoid potential Town 1v1’s.

That’s how we will win this.

I think Eli and Seth are probably town from just reading the thread. Alice and Arete were top posters, so of course I ISO them first. I am making reads and playing among us, so that’s why this is taking longer, but everyone else is under 80 posts.

/vote Moleland

Low content, mechposting, refuses to explain votes/reads. Your move, Brobama.

Thank you. Would you mind disrupting your schedule to look at Tro and Leafia?

I will get there eventually, but sure I can look at them next

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Much appreciated.

back to watching anime cya nerds

What about Conduit?

Someone talk to me about Conduit.

Oh wait they can’t can they because there’s legit barley anything to talk about regarding him

pleased to say you were right on the money there. i know i meme a lot but i’d never actually give up like that. i may be many things, but a quitter isn’t one of them and i don’t think i could mentally handle actually asking to be taken out of the game like that. i was (and am) still upset and a bit annoyed, but not to that level.

yes, i engineered my “self vote and ate” as a reaction test: the gimmick of this game is centered around voting and vote fuckery, what better way to take advantage of that then to place yourself as an easy wagon and see who bites? the wolves in this game are going to do their damndest to

  1. be on the top wagon
  2. ensure that wagon is on a town

and far more so than in a normal game without these mechanics.

this being said, i’m going to go into each person that either voted me or interacted with my AtE and analyze their reactions

PKR: hasn’t yet moved his vote off me, he seems to think i am the best target as of now with the exception of cloned, i’m taking this to mean that he has no other scumreads higher than the two of us.

this quote here indicates that while he feels my emotion is genuine, he doesn’t think it is enough so to warrant a vote switch? regardless, it seems to me more town-motivated than not.
Conclusion: Townlean

Alice: one of the proponents of my wagon in the first place. was clearly not swayed by the AtE, as indicated

here, and yet moved their vote off me in favor of Leafia anyway. i am curious if that is simply becauase i was acting more villagery, or if you’d simply scumread Leafia more than me enough to warrant this.
i know she’s the presumed neutral of the game, but her reaction is very confusing.
Conclusion: Nullscum

Light: unvoted as soon as he saw my AtE, yet still proclaims i’m scummy when questioned. i actually like his response quite a bit, particularly

this post right here. he isn’t using our memeing to warrant a read on me, but rather doing it more traditionally when he could simply go “oh this is obvscum troch behaviour trust me” and our relationship would make him very believable.
Conclusion: Townlean

Arete: never actually on my wagon, yet i’m mentioning it all the same for their reactions to it. says their desire to vote me significantly increased after i started AtE’ing, yet it never warranted a vote? backs this up

here and then goes to say Mole and i are never w/w. they then changed wagons to Leafia instead about exactly when Alice did. i’m not quite sure what this in particular means but i like that they didn’t immediately jump on me, the obvious target.
Conclusion: Townlean

Insanity: of everyone on my wagon at some point, Insanity talked about it the least. true, he only has 27 posts, yet i still think it’s notable. oddly enough, he said nothing about my wagon itself after my AtE, which i think is definitely odd. though he did say this

in regards to gorta and i’d like him to clarify what exactly he does mean. who should be the lynch if not gorta today fypov? regardless, i don’t like the radio silence about me after his vote.
Conclusion: Scumlean

I’m just hoping that what he’s typing out is what I requested and not some “oh I GTG lol” Bullshit.

Oh yeah good on pointing that out Tro

Arete might be trying to pocket Alice so they sheeped her Leafia vote

When EoD again

a note: i made this post and its’ reads in a vacuum and was solely reading based on reactions to my wagon and AtE alone, disregarding the rest of the thread.

It makes sense if you think about it.
Arete wants to pocket Alice because Scum!Arete doesn’t want to kill the Neut but Alice is good player so Arete needs to find another way to survive the wrath of Alice.

When you going to post again?
I’m assuming you just don’t care so I’m going to ask you 1 simple question.
Do you have any sort of Town or Scum Reads?
If so, give me 1 of each.