Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

…this only further proves my point i don’t think wolf!Light would be this damn comfortable right now, even if his jokes suck they’re there and i like how he’s been solving in addition to memeing, while not being overwhelmingly memey instead



are you reading appeli for her posts alone, or eli’s as well?

…it should be obvious that I’m basit it 99% on Eli’s read.


/vote Trochilidae

okay so like

I don’t think cloned’s play was good (no offense)

but … if I look at things from the PoV of scum!cloned…

…I don’t think wolves, coming into today, were expecting that I would ever go over, right? and separately I was one of the only people defending him

and from that PoV, why does scum!cloned decide the best thing to do is tunnel me? like, from what I’ve seen his wolf play tends very cautious, and I’m having a hard time seeing him deciding that ‘tunnel Arete’ is a good plan

and I also have a hard time seeing scum!cloned think that the best solution to the problem of ‘people are sussing him for it’ is ‘proclaim that he was actually lying about his read the whole time,’ like, people being more sus of that is fairly predictable? like I tend to by default be skeptical of ‘X thing that people are saying is wolfy was actually just a reactiontest’ but I’m having a hard time seeing worlds where he is scum as making any sense

maybe I’m just bad but I really think he’s a villager

i had to ask, i’m exhausted and that just shook me when appel had 3 posts lol

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Conduit Moleland, Surge, Leafia, Alice 4/7
Cheese Derps, PKR. Troch 3/7
Gorta Cheese 1/7
Moleland Arete 1/7
Troch Light 1/7
[Not Voting] gorta, Conduit, Appelsiini

/vote Conduit

would much rather go here than cloned today and last time I saw a VC they were the two top wagons

…i guess i had that coming

I don’t know how I quite feel about Leafia. Maybe it’s that I haven’t played a game with Leafia in a while, but the whole “if Wazza flips scum Light will look even more sus” thing kind of gives me bad pings and Leafia has also been sheepy. I don’t have a super high SR here, but it’s at least a scum lean.
It kind of feels like Cheese is pushing agenda on d1 here. They primarily try to push Arete out d1 without any questions, try to save Wazza d1, and then keep trying pushing against Arete to only go “lol I was joking”. This one is kind of rushed, but there isn’t much to say (this is a SR)
Lazy read #3 here, but I kind of like PKR tonally and I will give them a better look tomorrow

There is still the idea of… “Why the fuck isn’t Arete dead?” though. Is it because wolves thought they could push a mislynch on them? Is it because their reads are garbage? Is it because Arete themselves are a wolf?

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Conduit Moleland, Surge, Leafia, Alice, Arete 5/7
Cheese Derps, PKR. Troch 3/7
Gorta Cheese 1/7
Troch Light 1/7
[Not Voting] gorta, Conduit, Appelsiini

Also, before you go too far down that path, Tro, me being comfortable in thread as scum is far from impossible.

My answer to this was “so they can throw sus on Arete”
similar wavelength to why insanity would be dead
which, as the 2nd player to bring it up apart from myself, shoots you up 3 slots on my scumreadlist

I’m not reading too much into this.

It’s d2 and we had a correct lynch d1. If Arete lives to the F5/F7, then that’s when you should ask why he’s alive.

also him legitimately analyzing people’s reactions and using them to form his reads is a mildly good look for him

most of the time when I’ve seen wolves do the ‘my scummy behavior was a reactiontest’ thing they haven’t really used it to make conclusions, or they’ve made extremely weak conclusions such as CRichard in SFoL 61.5 basically just TMIing me as V with very little reasoning, whereas cloned’s conclusions from it are actually slightly fleshed out

/vote Conduit

I point y’all to FoL30, where I was townread due to my fluffposting D1.