Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

The Leafia Kill happen I think because Me/Arete.
Meaning again, Light or Tro is scum here with one of Derps/PKR.

I just don’t know which for which.

I don’t think Tro fights that hard against a Conduit mislynch as scum unless with literally this exact scenario in mind.

what troch did was see that Conduit was far more newbtown in how lost they were and how sloppy in their reads, and assumed that wolf!Conduit would be coached better than that at the very least.

i’m recently new myself though, newbtown behavior is still fresh on my mind tbh.

I think we lynch within Derps/PKR because they are the only people RN that if scum, can grab Vigilante.

But if they were scum, wouldn’t they have used Vigilante already?

Either this wagon was pure, or Troch has to be scum, right?


you kept saying i was town based off “tone” D2, have your views on my time itself changed this rapidly or have the Conduit/Leafia flips made you rethink things?


Why did you not actually make a defence case of Conduit if you thought they would flip town?

It’s you or light. I was misclearing one of you.

i did actually, i kept saying how i thought their behaviour came more from newbtown than scum and i repeatedly pointed that out.
have you not been paying attention to my posts at all?

They would have a forced 1V1 TD if they did.

They would have to do it while going into LYLO/MYLO.

Cya all after work.

Anyway, after further evaluation, Seth has laid down the law, and I’m Tl’ing Tro, so that can only mean…
I’m scum! Nani??

/vote Light

When I have more time I’ll demonstrate my point.

alright then i’d appreciate that

if you mean my lack of a big defense wallpost though, i was

  1. very exhausted and dealing with Things
  2. didn’t want to keep repeating the same points i’d been making for two days straight

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
cheese Derps 1/6
Light Light 1/6
[Not Voting] gorta, Trochi, Appel, PKR, cheese, Moleland, Surge, Alice, Arete 9