Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town


others were scumreading Helen that game and there was nothing I could do, as Helen wasn’t even defending themselves

Let’s face it, most people are not the solviest on this site and thus them being solvey = towny with a fe exceptions.f

No worse than usual
I don’t trust people just townreading me all the time and the purpose for this is I don’t like bs trs on me. I have been pocketed far too many times and I don’t get obvious town vibes from you like I have in the past when you have had bad reads (like RM4)

it’s not a BS TR because my reasons are actually good

you’re just convinced that you’re a better wolf than you are, which makes you perceive the reasons as worse than they are


Like I have caught people for having bad reads on me, even if it was a townread

I TR you because you don’t make sense as scum.
That sums it up!


I think you are probably town, and I’m going to speak to you in this post as if you’re a villager. if you’re a wolf feel free to, like, make fun of me in scumchat for doing this or whatever.

You are incredibly confbiased right now. You have openly acknowledged your tendency to do this – like, you specifically talked after WYM about how you were going to try not to do it anymore, you did it in JoaT9 with me.

right now you have a read, and rather than actually thinking about whether your read makes sense, you’re thinking about how you can fit the existing evidence into the read. Like, if I’d written a giant wallpost coming to the conclusion that you were scum, you would probably have said something like ‘you are a wolf because you’re pushing on LHF to try to get me exe’d,’ you’re not seriously evaluating my alignment.

if you are a villager this game, you need to take a step back, and actually think about whether literally any of your reads make sense

because as point of fact, you did not make it to day 4 of this game by having good ones

I think I am better as a wolf than you think I am and I feel like you are downplaying my wolf game to bs a TR on me. Like I need some refinement, which wouldn’t be an issue if I didn’t rand town every game, but I can imitate my town meta as a wolf pretty well

Maybe me and Light are both scum and bambozzling you all. :upside_down_face:

No, I would have done stuff differently if that was the case.

InB4 I get Lock Towned by you next game and I roll Scum

I can intimidate my Town Meta sure.
But my posting would be different then it is here.
I’m also allot less genuine as Wolf.

No, I would try to come up with something with more sustenance because I don’t consider myself LHF.

That’s the plan.jpg

“you’re pushing LHF” can only apply to people like Conduit and even then I hate using those reads because they suck in general. I would rather make a genuine case for them being town over just saying “X is LHF and thus town”

I am alive™
Life is pain

back for a few moments
what be the VC @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

pretty sure (?) it hasn’t changed

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/vote Light

I buy it

starts to doubt right after voting

Am out of shower and fresh

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Arete cheese, Derps 2/5
Light CallMelo, Lemonfairy 2/5
Derps Light 1/5
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, PKR, Arete