Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

interesting vote
i like the spice

Can you input some reads on everyone else?

let me think

in these 200 posts
arete town (?)

that’s about all i can come up with

Wazza, for now, is just talking about mech info, and then talked about thar Arete is town.

But from this post, I am pretty sure that if Arete is indeed, a scum (in a world, that is), then Wazza won’t be directly aligned with them.

I am not really sure how to read Moleland, but some fluffing is a little bit meh in my eyes, but null for now.

Leafia seems slight town in my mind with his call out to Surge and Chili.

Light is fluffing. Oh welp, NAI for now.

No other reads at all?

not from these minimal 200 posts

Wow, six hours and only 50 posts? :eyes:

I’m tempted to give Insanity a pass for today on the grounds that they’re one of a handful of people producing anything resembling readable content

…I think Insanity’s probably >rand V considering that they’re trying to get a broad scope of reads here.

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doesnt aroot use they/them

What does conservative mean

/vote Wazza

Like, so far his ISO here is probably one of the worst as of now considering that it’s just mech talk and bailing.

this meme is funnier given that PKR literally hasn’t posted since I posted it

yes, I know that he’s British



…So are you saying that my read is terrible ._.

No, I mean that you’re not focusing on a handful of players like you did in SFoL63 and are now trying to get a read on everyone.

Whose isnt

Damn, I sure like machines
Anyway gtg

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Conservative as in you kinda just scum read them, but then didn’t actually push them.

…At least that is the way it is inside my head.

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