Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

/vote Wazza

Choo choo.

I’m up for that Arete. I trust you after all.

*/vote Wazza @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

can’t say i love Mole, but he has been trending up recently and actually posting more content.

a CFD onto Wazza…hmm. i still have slight reservations. can you sell me on it any more?

I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen Wazza all game

He has been around.

He exist by talking about mech info and fluff and also provide no reads at all.

Technically not no reads, but those reads are forced as heck.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Wazza Arete, Insanity, Leafia 3/8
cheese Eli, PKR 2/8
Conduit Surge 1/8
gorta Moleland 1/8
Leafia Alice 1/8
[Not Voting] gorta, Conduit, Wazza, Derps, cheese, Light, Trochi

EOD is at 2020-10-04T08:00:00Z

to be honest the biggest thing I have to sell you on it is reasons for thinking cheese is town (see above)

the case on Wazza himself is basically the same, his entire Iso is mech talk and dipping and when called out on it he just dipped more

not a guaranteed hit but I think it has a better chance than cheese

i dont really want to hop on the wazza train, buttttt

/vote wazza choo choo motherlovers

Looking at what just happened
I have a better idea

/vote Conduit

why don’t you want to hop on Wazza?

given that you don’t want to hop on Wazza, why are you doing it anyway?

Yeah. I can see Waazza being scum here and I trust Arete’s judgement.

more an anti-cheese yeet than a pro-wazza yeet?

i’d been reading cloned town as well, i can agree to this.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Wazza Arete, Insanity, Leafia, Conduit 4/8
cheese Eli, PKR 2/8
Conduit Surge, Light 2/8
gorta Moleland 1/8
Leafia Alice 1/8
[Not Voting] gorta, Wazza, Derps, cheese, Trochi

EOD is at 2020-10-04T08:00:00Z

This is going to look bad for Light if Wazza flips scum honestly.

In a game where the wagon you end on decides how powerful you are
And people start to hop onto wagons just because they’re wagons

recently i’ve been thinking Conduit could have town equity, he seems lost in a way i believe is hard to fake, and reminds me of myself in WW sheeping the people with the loudest voices regardless of what i myself thought.

I’m thinking about the same thing about Conduit Troch.

I’m not gonna vote someone just cause they had a birthday to deal with
Look at me
It was my birthday yesterday and I worked six hours
I understand