Corrupt Votes - Informed Dead Chat

I’ll give you a hint

It’s not because you’ve played well

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Cloned is reevaling. A very pleasant surprise.

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We should contact the local church to investigate this miracle.
This can’t have happened naturally.


Giggles Agreed.

We might be able to win! Maybe, just maybe my faith was correctly placed.

If and only if Appel is eliminated.
I’m thinking of calling the game a mafia win early in case of no elimination.

Town can still win this even if no one is eliminated today actually.

That’s assuming the trees don’t occupy Gorta.

Hopefully they don’t do so again.

I just realised the trees also occupied PKR.
Those darn trees!! LUL

We should chop them down.

If no one dies Today, Appel wins for having 3 votes Tomorrow.

Oh. Even if the two townies vote Appel before Appel can even vote?

If both Arete and gorta vote Appel: town wins.
If one of them vote Appel: Appel might still live.
If cheese and Appel vote Arete, then the day will end.

Okay. Got it. Let’s hope both of them vote Appel soon.

Okay. Got it. Let’s hope both of them vote Appel soon. Thewn town will win this.


You know… it was worth making the phases 36/12. Otherwise I’d be waiting an extra 12 hours for nothing.


I don’t know why you americas are complaining. 9am daystart/9pm day end is perfectly acceptable to me.