Corrupt Votes - Informed Dead Chat

Yep. Lemonfairy now, but whatever.

At the very least, we needed a few VC bots.

With an EoD like 4 AM itā€™s a bit unfair to the players if the hosts donā€™t show up

Cheese being a scum sided villager

Derps being absent

Pkr being useless

Welcome to the dead chat too Light. So glad you could make it.

Sorry about the kill, Leafia.

You can countā€¦ Right? It would only take one double or triple voter to screw over a count anyway

Itā€™s okay. Iā€™m not surprised you killed me N2. Cheese has just been an extra wolf all game too.

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I am very much able to count? Literally youā€™re making no sense.

Who is Appel killing tonight?

4 people voted you.

3 in the final hour

It should be arete or surge


Yeah, but people were rapidly swapping their votes and I donā€™t blame her for not being able to track them.

I doubt itā€™ll be one of those two, although Surge might be the kill tonight. Appel might kill Arete and try pushing Cloned though.

Iā€™d say salt is fair if she had extra vote power but she didnā€™t

It was the deciding voteā€¦

But it might not have been

Personally, Iā€™d kill Arete tonight and try to get Surge yeeted tomorrow if I was Appel.

I do not understand what your argument is here