Corrupt Votes - Informed Dead Chat

Spec chat is going wild.
–oh, you’re right. I mistook gorta for cheese.

so if gorta votes right we win, ok

Yep. 50-50.
–though, spec chat is screaming at cheese to vote Arete so Appel can die from Arete’s triple vote.

im just at a lost for words. As like i called eli wolf, but no one cares

Town be town.

@Zone_Q11 why is that freeze?

it didnt hammer?

It did. Hammerer on Arete + Appel’s vote + cheese’s vote.

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yeah i didnt realize she bought that

should i open this publicly

Yes please. (Spec chat also, please.)

invite me there

heres the only real important post of thread

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…and cheese actually quickhammered Arete for real. :man_facepalming:

woah did town win :eyes:


Called it.

I was wrong on the Appel/Light part though.


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I knew Light was scum.
However their partner I was like “PKR, Derps, Appel Or Arete”?

Bruh, you said it was me so often that it annoyed me lol.
But, its cool. Mistakes are made.