Corrupt Votes - Informed Dead Chat

Why did I get killed again ._.

Obvious town Iā€™m guessing.

Having no wolves on a day 1 correct wagon was bad enough imo. But killing off wagon members wasnā€™t that clever either tbh.

Sorryā€¦ I just woke up. (I really ought to stop staying up until 5 AM.)

Off to hit the books then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah no those days of staying up until long after midnight are over for me.

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Derps being modkilled helps town I think.

Appel needs 2 mislynches to win. At best they get 1 I think

Yep. Itā€™s now a matter of timeā€¦ and a matter of whether Surge can mess things up or not.
ā€“actually, I wonder if Appel will even choose a target to kill.

You deserved better @Aelin

Although donā€™t blame me, I didnā€™t expect a 36/12 thing.

Surge wouldnā€™t be entirely to blame. He deserves credit and PKR has been useless this game too.

Agreed. Hopefully town can pull this off.

Oh Appelā€¦ why would you ever choose to kill Surge of all peopleā€¦?

Yeah Considering arete doesnā€™t scumread anyone but her alive

Tbh scum night kills havenā€™t been very good all game

So Surge will soon be joining us?

Yep. Pretty much.

3Nice. I can tell him that I told him that Arete was town.

Surge named the scum team first and is honestly my vote for mvp though

Arete deserves MVP too. Although Cloned deserves the MVP for the wolves I think.

Arete is a close second, but they made too many mistakes to warrant mvp. It was Surge they dragged arete the correct way.




@Zone_Q11 day start lets goooooo