Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

NGL I really hoped Alice would side with scum since Lemlem is already back to 10 points…
She would’ve been able to buy the Vigilante and turn the gamestate into 2v2 instead… orz

Technically, this will end the game though, since the neut would be revealed.
If there is a tie, then someone outside the tie will be exe’d and the neut will die. In other words, mafia has to ensure a tie between themselves if they want to get a town executed.

2v2 tie (neut and mafia) -> town executed because “execute outside tie”
neut dies from tie
mafia kills last town
mafia win

–but that is an IF-world which has nothing to do with the current game.

Here is another interesting IF-world:
If Light had purchased Thug on Surge (or if Surge didn’t purchase Thug on Light), then PKR and Lemonfairy would’ve both died. N4 would’ve started with 5v2 and D5 would’ve started with 4v2.

Zone can trust me into not spilling anything.

Also no one else asked to be sent here lol

Wait modkill wat

Derps got modkilled for not playing the game they signed up for.


was he scum

no he was town.

he was town

so far everyone has been flipping like I said they would huh

btw @Vulgard

frick you for being right on Light.

his fault for being in scum meta :upside_down_face:

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Can people have negative votes if it’s 1-2 to votebuyer?

what is pocketing btw

Mafia (Or sometimes Town) buddying up with a player that both whiteknight one another and usually won’t vote each other or vote with the other person.

She doesn’t even need to exist. She just pops in, get TR’d then pops out for the rest of the game.

No they can’t.

I assume same goes for being thugged by multiple people?

No; that one can work if the target has 2+ votes.
It just doesn’t go to the negative.

so what ur saying is

all anerd has to do is ask to be sent here

it’s light existing and me townreading him because i like him ):<