Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

What if it’s Cheese?

it’s appel tho

Disregarding association reads w/ light and without making an entire case

Cheese is so insanely pure. He’s not a wolf.

this is just WYM appel i feel it

I’ll let you change my pfp for a month if that’s the case, so long as I get to change yours for a month if that’s not the case.

i will gladly take this bet

you think it’s cheese then?

The thing is, I’m metareading Eli town

prepare to be thehummingbirdnyc

the thing is
appel wolf
gg ez no re

Idk who it is, but I know it isn’t Lemonfairy or Appel

What meta are you reading Eli off of?

I’m curious

i am not even joking here i will actually legitimately down a whole bottle of hot sauce on video if anyone but appel is the last wolf

you already made a hot sauce bet, nerd

i don’t even remember what i bet tbh
but i am betting this now

I’ve heard that Eli doesn’t really post as mafia

well yes but eli is now appel
and appel is being wolf

I’m gonna go for PKR as scum

get ready to be thehummingbirdnyc

He has 79 posts

About 10 of which contain any semblance of an actual read - though they are all weak reasonings, and/or one-liners without any real backbone.

A majority of his ISO is fluff and mechtalk

I’d say that’s equivalent to not posting

you are at my mercy pigeon