Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

I don’t disagree

Wait fuck you you’re supposed to disagree

i’m a good wolf if you disregard me being watched N1

you won so many games as Mafia where you survived the whole game tho

having a scummy townmeta helps you be a good wolf

That doesnt make me good

That just makes town bad

so you’re saying i should self vote and ate again

my townmeta isnt scummy its unorthodox smh

also internet is back yay

I’d argue that it’s better to be good as town because you will rand town most of the time but yeah

I feel like you can usually tell when you win due to town being bad vs mafia being good

which is this game :eyes:

im not a bad villager!!!


katze got lynched as cop 26 seconds into the day

you do have qualities as town I’m not denying that

God I’m actually so mad at cheese right now.

Literally everything points to them being wrong about the scumteam being the obvtown with 2 pelts and the modconfirmed townsiding neut.

And yet they defy all reason and continue to try to find reasons, no matter how unbelievably illogical that they are right.

They are not even considering any of the numerous worlds where they are wrong, and instead choose to believe in the single world where they are right.

And despite all this, I know they will continue this mindboggingly terrible tunnel even harder tomorrow, singlehandedly doing more than the entire wolfteam, losing town the game and becoming perhaps this site’s greatest ever willager.

And this isn’t “Lol you were informed so you were biased.” since we are uninformed and the games was easy to solve a few hours into D1.

I’m so damn mad I typed an entire wallpost on mobile. help.


I think a huge issue with my scumgame is that my towngame is like
Blatant? I cant think of a better word

Idk i just LOVE solving the game as town. Its just so exhilarating to me
Its like one giant puzzle and fitting the pieces together and dunking on a wolf is so satisfying
I don’t want to give that up and do worse as town (not that im any good) just to have a better scumgame

I just find town so fun

not good or bad
just qualities

as vanilla town 34 seconds into D2*

this sounds like something id say to someone who had no good qualities as town

pepega dybudabu

you’re good at drawing the nightkill