Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

Ohh alright, that’s fair enough actually, just huge brain moments

Hey… town wouldn’t be so scared that they would vote No Execution, right?

Probably not?

Like, if town no-exes gorta dies and Appel + cheese scumteam quickhammer Arete.

…you’re joking about the latter, right?

I’m pretty sure cheese will instavote Arete without even considering re-evaluating, and Appel will just hammer.

Naaah, it can’t be that easy.

It probably will be.

I am surprised the Hammerer was never used though. It could’ve made the game end so much faster.

it’ll be 4p though right? this is the only reason this doesn’t happen

We’re talking in the event of a no-exe tomorrow (in-game).

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i will just say this pigeon
it’s lockappel

I guess no vigilante

if anyone but lemon dies i’ll be genuinely shocked

why not? its totally a wolf-siding neut

lmao nvm you’re right

i mean your reads are generally pretty good when you try

this game is no exception

the scumteam is the scientists and dogbird

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I think if nobody dies tomorrow, then lemon dies that night. Because at that point lemon is confirmed town

this statement is so confusing

do not open if your name is jane you might get PTSD

Lemon was modrevealed town-siding.