Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat



Alice claims neutral, and as such she should be dealt with. She’s a master at WIFOM, and I think she’s gonna side scum.

So what? If the town kills all the other mafia and the game doesn’t end. They just kill her. Pushing on her seems to be a waste of time.

Honestly tho, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alice is town trying to pull off a gambit so she doesn’t get SPKed N1

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what does SPK mean?

killing a player based on their skill level

Strong Player Kill

Wolves killing a player because they’re good at the game.

I’m never going to stop with Cheese/SDA scumteam. It’s obvious.


They’re both town.

Although I’m not sure if SDA has started playing yet.

I mean I think cheese is evil because insanity dying and cheese using that to go all “aRETE CONFIRMED SCUM” and only doing this after Surge thought that seems really evil to me.

I will let anyone choose my pfp for a month if the vote is tied. The thing is, anyone gets cuddled if a tie happens, plus the neut auto-dies.

am i the only one who thinks alice WONT side mafia?

No, you’re not.

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I don’t think she’d side mafia after a mafia was executed day 1. That’s just my thinking though.


thats good, its just at least from my perspective with wazza dying and another probable wolf at this rate being killed i really just dont see alice doing that??? it would pretty much turn out horrible in their favor, at least i wouldnt side maf in this situation, idk abt them though.

this exactly tbh

Town is just really bad on this site.

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i dunno, they got maf boinked d1, thats pretty good in itself

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I can name a few games where mafia is cuddled D1 and mafia won.

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