Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

gah i just can’t see arete wolf world here

granted you’re probably right over me
but still

vulgard said arete town so theyre prob town

but also i want arete to be a wolf because hotsauce bets

Pretty sure this isn’t implying she was neut, but oh well. It’s fine to say it now, I guess.

Yeah, sure.

if i’m right (and i really hope not)

…then i have to drink the Sauce

The Sauce™️

…Namu Amida Butsu.
(I.e. Kudos.)

zone pls tell me i won’t have to sacrifice my tongue

nah i know you can’t though, i’m just frustrated at myself because i should’ve seen the damn signs

Yeah… I really can’t tell that. Not in spec chat.
Plus, I like keeping the majority in the dark. (Why else would I enforce an uninformed spec chat?)

lol that’s a good point i kinda like being uninformed

wait my slot is dead does that mean i go to dead chat

im alive i swear

lemon looks cool so far 0FB183D0-4122-4CE4-9174-1B5EA02B7900

lol hi min what’s up

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Not much, im just vibin, chillin, reading

i just realised i do alot more lurking rather than talking lmao im active ALOT i just dont talk for some reason

im just :eyes:

same same, sad dat died though
got any thoughts on the wolfteam?


honestly let me take the time out and make a small little collection of my thoughts real quick

that’s valid lmao
i mean i think i could at least have one of them down but at this point fuck me man idk

I’m p sure Arete is a wolf. If they aren’t then I will eat toilet paper.

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we really need to line all these bets up so we have a masterlist of fuckery to do postgame