Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

take: i know im a good wolf but ily2

arete is really the only reason town is still in this game and you being in their slot, AND being mafia instead of any of the three we have in this game, would lock the game as a mafia win
alice would probably wolfside too

are you implying my existence in the game would make alice side wolf

i’m implying the game would go differently
there is no mafia yeet d1, a town yeet instead
no powertown to find the mafia because arete isn’t there
which would make alice inclined to wolfside

i like my version more cause it’s funnier

pkr getting misyeeted without having placed a vote, derps getting modkilled for inactivity, and cloned tunneling arete despite the fact arete has two wolf pelts tell the story about how this game would go without arete to kill actual mafia


arete is the new alice

two pelts and still alive

arete is clearly the visionary


what’s this? cheese is reevaluating?

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A miracle has happened!


lmao it has

everyone seems to be aliven’t
i predict appel wakes up and towncases herself well enough to throw at least a bit of doubt in there for a noyeet?

noyeet is optimal regardless

appelyeet is optimal regardless :^)

Or cheese could vote Arete here. I mean they’ve been tunnelling Arete since D1/2.

from an objective standpoint noyeeting is optimal even if you are supremely confident in your ability to dictate that appel is a :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat:

i mean true noyeet is objectively optimal

what is best nightkill?

I think cheese might re-eval too much if it’s him and arete in lylo

you think a cheese NK would throw enough suspicion on arete for gorta to vote them?

arete NK to make everybody cry