(Council Of Idiots)

Idiots are back then :rofl:


Okay now I have this stupid forum game idea thanks

We are now officially working with the council of necromancers! To celebrate we necroed this!

We have a great idea

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Hello, Council of Idiots! I am the Head Necromancer, Squid. Indeed, we have an excellent idea that we will work together on to make reality

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If you want to join the Council of Necromancers, DM me or Firekitten on Discord and we will send you an invite link

That’s so the evil Sorcerer and his minions cannot infiltrate the Headquarters

Greetings, make me CoI faction hard counter pls.

CoI hard counter would be Ashe and Marl


Which one?

no not at all

CoI hardcounter would be “Their own Ineptitude”