(Council Of Idiots)

yay u get a delicious vcookie


We now have 26 council members!


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27 now :wink:

Yes, praise Cthulhu for this wonderful accomplishment >:D
(This is why I made my converted class the Cthulhu heh)

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We now have 28

Hooray for us! (We have plans for you.)

(Who are they?)

Ima just say someone’s about to get rekt :wink:

Why is everyone’s name have kitten in it?!

Never ask Kitten questions, the answers usually just make you want to ask more.




Can I ask you question?

You may

Are you planning to become a panda cult litten club member?

We are having a argument about if I should ping a mod


If you do, we’ll all die 0-0


No we won’t :slight_smile:


  • Convert more people
  • Stop converting

0 voters

I told you we need at least 10000 littens

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I agree with Insanity’s vote.
Let’s stop converting now, we have enough