Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

I claimed it as a meme and Eevee told me no one would belive it and to not be dumb lol

Like people say Eevee isn’t doing anything but they just aren’t thinking in 12D



But yeah, Marshal long guessed your identity.

you guys say eevee has only posted insults in polish but secretly he’s used hidden letter arangements to subtly lead the town to identify the mafia members, which he already of course knows.

Btw how would you scumcase me if you had to at that point, Marshal?

People barely suspected me, so there wasn’t much criticism to see.

I very vaguely didn’t like your push on cloned because I thought you’d played with him enough to know the things you’d pushed him for weren’t really AI

Also when writing that post I was saying it out loud and I liked the way your name sounded after saying “ARCTIC” so that was about 40% of it

they weren’t rlly very serious reads I kinda just lucked into being right tbh


Lol ok.

There are actually stupid ways to read me, but that’s such a trashy level of meta, that I don’t actually want to talk about it.

Gamer news: Rat figured out NK exists 5 nights in advance.

I think I subconsciously try to avoid hedging too much.

(I hedge in reality by actions, but not usually explicitly in what I write I feel, as a wolf?)

I mean ya as I said it wasn’t good it was mostly out of being anti-cloned wagon and memes

I dont actually try to make passable reads when im in uninformed
or when I play

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i mean
i knew the UK was gonna be the neutral killer going into this game
i just randomly got sick and had to drop out

Actually I’ll say it idc, the fact that I didn’t post for duration of more than 20 hours was lockscum me.
I was lurking in incognito mode.

hey astand
fun fact
using basic number addition if i didn’t leave the game i was going to be masonized to you

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I just get bored fast and leave thread for huge gaps of time, while as villa I just post whenever I can and feel like it (and I always feel like it)

Was that too paranoid to do?

And then I had instant catch ups lol

so the reason we thought there was an NK was because of gorta’s role being able to see if flips were tampered with (since we don’t have the ability to tamper flips ourselves)

but there is no role that tampers with flips

so what is the point lmao

angleshooting wise
you can tell the last time someone was logged in and tabbed in on the website
not really no