Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

Scum seem to have realised that Kyo is NK.

Or at least most likely NK.

I don’t think they’ll try to have Kyo executed yet.
It’s 10 v 3 v 1 and they need NK to help bring down town numbers.

Chances are he’ll kill Vul or something.

Last Night:


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they could rb him maybe

I won’t be surprised if Kyo thinks min is evil.
Min not being on Arctic’s wagon and being on Gorta’s wagon when that is blatantly not w/w spews min as scum.

Lets see if Kyo can try pushing min using that.
If I were in Kyo’s shoes. I’d be asking why min wasn’t on the wagon that flipped a wolf.

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I still fail to understand the purpose of Gorta’s role lol

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was it actually just meant to make everyone think there’s a role flipper?

i guess?

there’s no other explanation

Yes, actually

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I also thought it was incredibly funny

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I want Eevee to claim to be my mason partner but also like

Leafia would Probabaly CC lol

Also if it endgames with just NK and 1 scum, we’ll call it a win for NK because of tie break rules.

gorta gets to keep his streak of “only VT in a rolemadness”

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the trees made him forget his role

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well leafia isnt saying anything right now anyway

because they replaced out lol