Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

trochi was already obviously an alt of someone in signup threads because she makes 90 posts on her main and talks about the game and then acts like nobody will suspect her

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i don’t think kyo wins here regardless?

if they don’t vote him out today then vulgard will just openwolf and say they rolecopped him since he bleeds out anyway

so Operation Barbarossa: Cold war FM edition

and if they kill TL over kyo today, then it will be 4v2v1 assuming kyo kills a townie (eevee will be roleblocked i think) and so town will definitely kill kyo there

when Vul flips maf Kyo is hardspewed NK so yeah

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Oh lol, didn’t know that

kyo killed one too many mafia here whether or not he meant to

self-hammer pog

saddest part is we have no one to tell Eevee that Poland isn’t in the game.

Isn’t this gamethrowing?

I’m unaware if self-hammering was enabled or disabled by me. I believe I disabled it but I’m unsure.

i looked over the sign-up thread earlier and i remember you saying you would probably disable it

min got bled by kyo

So basically now mafia has to let eevee shoot TL and get 2 mislynches after that.

I think this is 100% town win.

I don’t imagine there is any way Whysper can pull it off.

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maf overextended themselves to push kyo I think but idk

I think Vul just wanted revenge instead of thinking strategically about it.


4/6 mafia killed by NK.