Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

she probably won’t do much but that’s besides the point

inb4 they kill min because they think mafia changed their flip to scum after Gorta has the role of detecting fake flips

Whysper* because they said for min to visit Whysper

you’re right though, Leafia is confirmed mason because no CC’s so she’d be a better mafia kill target.

if this happens then i’m going to flip my shit

my team has a mildly interesting plan to handle this situation but I’m not sure if it’s going to work.

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probably not, this game is locked.

You say that, but I’ve been in a game where a mafia member was outed, the town didn’t kill them and we lost the game.

i mean this is endgame. no mercy

It was endgame too.
Read the last multiball game. Alice was outed mafia and wasn’t killed. Then we lost the game.

It was basically a throw, because we had been mercilessly dabbing on wolves that entire game until we kinda… stopped.

dont remind me since we were hunting for the converted wolf

Kill scum when scum found.

Who bets that rat gets info that someone is capitalist due to scum neglecting to kill them :^)

well scum are occupying them.

it’s just a shame that occupying them doesn’t mean anything.

That really can go against them to leave cop alive for too long.

Rat will get the capitalist result on N6, so it’s up to them to y’know do something

I’m surprised they didn’t even notice that y’know, the occupy already failed.

What do they get on n5?

Anti-Claim mechanics exist.