Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

… wow, useful information FOR A DAY 6.

Anti claim should be like n1-n2 at most, lmao.

the order got messed up hard and I only noticed after game started.

Also if I were to give them a confirmed capitalist, Communists would be quite fucked.

I mean, that was on the list you had earlier, wasn’t it?

Yeah, it should be n5 as far as I can see.

yeah but that was readjusted because there was 2 bleeding scum out of the 3 scum remaining.

Ehhh… host helping scum faction due to them dying is… questionable.

Do you want me to give town a free win just based on info?


That’s pernament fun vs balance conflict.
I’m fine with changing it if you think it’s gamebreaking and against balance.

But I don’t think you should do it, if reason for it is to help someone due to them playing badly.
Like, if someone plays badly, they fall in bad situation. That’s… natural.

And I can see why NK bleeds scum after Vulgard claims role cop on NK to begin with.

But if you think it shouldn’t be there to begin with, go ahead and change it.

That’s my opinion.

Aka. I’m not against change, I’m against reasoning.

And good advice is to never ever tell that you do it to help either faction, as sites with more harsh rules blacklist hosts for not being neutral.

However it’s natural to hotfix mistakes you didn’t see at the start.


lmao what?

Scum have played this marvellously and got fucked over by an NK? So I just slightly adjusted info. I recommend you stop talking before you make this more of a joke.

I think basically the only thing that was adjusted is that Rat isn’t receiving that information “in order”. You could just as easily say you decided not to go in order for no particular reason and at no advantage or disadvantage to any faction, and it would be fine, tbh.

Nah I should’ve moved it from ‘being more and more powerful’

Wazza, Im not joking neither saying this to annoy you.

I’m saying that you cannot walk around saying that you did that to help certain faction, as this suggests biased and unfair game.

And that’s regardless of if you consider them playing marvelously or badly.

If you look at the setup and see that it should’ve been like that from the very begining to ensure fair game, regardless of rand and in game veents, go for it.

If you do this to fix players decisions, then don’t do it.
Players are playing this game, not you after all

I’m allowed to use WOTM in my own game. And my original plan was to just force the greencheck on Leafia who is already technically greenchecked.

Ofc not. I’m not stupid enough to fix peoples decisions despite them making absolutely stupid ones.

Then you shouldn’t say you will modify town due to mafia & NK conflict.

I mean, NK got too much attention due to killing 2 mafia.
Mafia then tried to remove NK by… outing theirs role cop on them.
NK took a revenge.

I cannot say this was unnatural turn of events.
If either of them plaied less agressive to each other, it wouldn’t go as far as it did.

However if you feel like mechanics cop shouldn’t get cop checks to begin with, regardless of how this thing has went (aka. regardless of players decisions), then go for it.

That’s what WOTM means in this case.
Fixing broken stuff. Not just wanting to help one side.

I told you that’s not what I did. What I did was move the ‘A Neutral Killer exists’ to N4 and bumped up the rest because a Capitalist confirmed is a lot for a 1 person remaining game.

That’s a massive debate thing I have. However scum know rat’s role yet aren’t doing anything about it and would need a punishment eventually for leaving a mech oracle alive for that long.

NK got attention since they acted like NK. Mafia did that and NK bled min (probably thinking they were Mafia, yes).

Me changing one small thing to prevent a practically guaranteed Town win isn’t helping one side. It’s giving one side a chance and yes technically fixing a broken mech oracle with a fucked up order.

If you are giving them a chance to win, which they shouldn’t have at this point, then you are helping them.
If you do change the role becouse there is only 1 scum remaining, then you are basing it on current situation, not just setup in general.

That’s the point.

There is no Dead Interaction.
Anticlaim Mechanics exist.
A Neutral Killer exists.
[x] is a member of the Capitalists.
[x] did/did not use an ability last night.
There were [x] amount of day abilities used Day 2.
There are 7 amount of non-Town in the game.

Probably the order I would’ve picked