Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

I’d more say:

There is no Dead Interaction.
There were [x] amount of day abilities used Day 2.
Anticlaim Mechanics exist.
A Neutral Killer exists.
[x] did/did not use an ability last night.
[x] is a member of the Capitalists.
There are 7 amount of non-Town in the game.

If I relisted it.


I’m fixing my own error of bad balancing only slightly?

If you think that regardless of how game went, mechanics oracle shouldn’t get a cop check this late/early.

Regardless if Vulgard was scum or town, Leafia was scum or town, regardless if it’s 5vs1 or 4vs3.
Then just go for it and change it.

If you do it basing only on current game, to help someone to still have a chance… then no.

And please, don’t say that you do it to help either side, as it presents you as host who is taking sides and just bias game to help someone.

See the point?
That’s what I meant.

I would do it more or less like this:

Anticlaim Mechanics exist.
There were [x] amount of day abilities used Day 2.
A Neutral Killer exists.
[x] did/did not use an ability last night.
There are 7 amount of non-Town in the game.
[x] is a member of the Capitalists.

Meaning night 2, 4 and 6 you get in-game information.
1, 3, 5 you get setup information.

And tbh screw the “no dead interaction” thing, as it’s useless.

I kind of feel like “[x] is a member of the Capitalists.” should be toward the start when there are still a lot of players, and a confirmed capitalist being outed means they will be a scum kill target if the info is revealed, but the confirmation works more like confirming a mason and isn’t as valuable as it is in the endgame.

I agree with Wazza here.
Scum should be punished for leaving cop alive for too long.

Pushing useless information on them over and over just becouse scum decided to leave cop alive is… ehhh.

Like if they kill Light, who is out of shots, instead of Rat, who is investigative… there better be ready to get some invest results tbh.

confirmed greencheck being in the middle would help town if they’re losing, but would do nothing if they’re winning.

thats my opinion

in the middle also seems ok, yeah. I just meant it shouldn’t be information that’s received on N5 or N6 because there are so few players left that it massively helps town.

Rather opposite.

I see this information as something which could happen in literally final 3.

I guess the question is, should the information massively help town or not, because in final 3 if one town confirms the other town, it’s game over.

true, it depends on how powerful people want to make mech oracle be.

It’s still a cop after all.

It has much weaker information than normal cop for pretty much whole game, sure.
But it still should get some useful information.

And getting something like “There is anticlaim mechanic” in final 3 is… useless, as anticlaim is most likely dead by now.

well, rat did get that info after astand died lol.

He is gonna get this tonight*

That’s why something around this order is most balanced one imo.

As N4+ information is useful regardless of situation and is punishing for leaving cop alive for too long.

oh I thought he already got that info, guess I wasn’t paying attention.

I think you mixed NK info with anticlaim

Nk and anticlaim are same thing - they are useless if that role already died.

And I would rather give NK more time before its confirmed to exist.

right, that’s probably it

this is quite hilarious.