Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

I cannot.

I was forbiden from talking to Wazza.

Fun. Helpful.

can you deal with this after game? Because this is just clogging up the thread

again i don’t see what youre trying to do Eevee

I’m sure there are other ways of resolving this besides DMing Wazza and besides posting here at this point.

why are you only complaining about this now that it’s looking like town is going to lose

if you really had an issue, why would you not have brought this up earlier regardless of who it looked like was going to win

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I have no diea what I want to do either.

I’m just annoyed at this game.

I’m annoyed I was told to not talk to host when he was making active decisions to hurt me.

Like wtf is this game.

yes but how are you going to do anything complaining here

its just a game

take a break

i mean, he has a right to complain if he thinks there was unfair intervention
although i’m interested why it’s happening now

but complaining here does nothing

complain to the mods

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yeah, but tbf I think Eevee did complain earlier as well

can’t you take it to the co-host or a mod instead? probably more helpful as none of us here can do anything about it, either.

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I did bring it all the time.


Like that.

Noone, literally noone tried to make any intervention when host was rigging the game against us.

that’s kinda bad lmao


the host should priortize making a fun game over your feelings

it’s a mech oracle. Why are you so mad over this?

Get mad over mod errors, but complaining about the info a mech oracle recieves wont do anything.

nah he’s also upset about the slank vig error

That is bad.

If moderation tells me that noone cares that host moderrored killing townies and modifying roles and feedback so theirs favorites wins…

I feel annoyed.

I feel abandoned.

Where else was I supposed to go?

thats the only thing you should be mad about.

That not being fixed/noticed is bad. The mech oracle is fine.

he didnt modify feedback dude

he literally didnt

actually, we can just let Trochi complain about the mech oracle info if she wants, it’s her role and it’s her place to say if she thinks it was unfair. The info stayed the same, just that the order changed.