Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

Sure, I will take that you saying that you will not allow me to have 2 vig shots was a misunderstanding.
Weird one, but I can see it.

Rest is still the thing.

Wazza stated that they arent even going to be on here anyway

as bad as wazza’s wording is it’s obvious he meant why would he give a slank vig the power to shoot unrestricted
i beg you
fuck off or stop bitching
it’s really killing the mood

As I said, ignore the role fix part.

That doesn’t solve them lying about flavor solving.
Or refusing to fix my flavor so I don’t have to fakeclaim as town.
Or making Rat get different results because “scum plaied marvelously”


Sure, one part can be misunderstanding.
But don’t tell me all fo them are.

Eevee please

should I just say all of the problem were caused by miscommunication?

Go ahead, I give up.

I’m literally posting screens and Wazza is still saying I’m lying.
That’s beyond me.

alignment indicative flavor and role indicative flavor are different things
austria was not part of the iron curtain
wazza changing fixed results to break mechlock can be questionable but i’m rather sure he’s allowed to WotM it

and also from the problem with changing the result was addressed by the fact Wazza did have some confusion with Geyde about whether to put nk feedback or cop feedback.

Geyde probably suggested it as a joke and Wazza incidentally took it seriously

I said your role was the only flavour mistake. There’s a difference.

I didn’t try and change it back, not at all.

That was Dat, not me. Dat told me something different

Quit missing out the part when I said I was trying to justify what Geyde said.

Yes, they were both moderrors I can admit to.

Your moderrors forsay aren’t exactly moderrors.

And do you think I’m reading my own game? I specifically asked to be pinged for votes just so I didn’t have to read the game.

It literally doesn’t say that at all.

You: “it was meant to be 30 per day, not 30^day”
Me: “Do you really think I’m gonna allow someone to have 2 vig shots randomly past Day 1, while funny that wasn’t the intention.”

This can be easily deciphered to mean that ‘oh no you can’t do this anymore’. And don’t even try and say that’s what you originally thought since I saw you talking about how it’s 270,000 posts today and shit like that, you blatantly knew that’s not what I meant so stop trying to pull this bullshit because I can grab quotes which prove you knew what I actually said now that I saw it. There was no fucking way you couldn’t tell anything.

I can grab screens of my own.

In fact, I probably should.

eevee just wants something to bitch about
guess they enjoy it or something


I’ll just keep proving them wrong with everything they say then since they knew what was going on since they posted about it now that I’m looking at it in a clear mind.

Eevee is probably taking it too far.

I think the best solution at this point is just to drop it because the game’s almost over, and you and Eevee going back and forth over this isn’t helping anyone (and you know that already).


also austria was never under the iron curtain
it isn’t wrong for austria to be capitalist

If you have screenshots/etc. that you think are relevant you can DM me on Discord

Spec chat is open again

this is conditional on you all being respectful to each other