Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

> neutral killer kills 4/6 wolves
> town still loses

Yeah, but we all know the reason for that.

what a surprise lol

honestly, most of town played pretty terribly and I’m fine with attributing it to that.

oh here we go again, I don’t need to read through another unnecessary shitstorm.

Yeah, that’s also true.

Scum could win it regardless of host trying to help them tbh.

we all think that when Eevee starts typing.

… Are you all here trying to emotionally tilt me?

No eevee, I’m not

It’s fine

i guess we’ll never know if dayvigging wind that early was a good move

you emotionally tilted me like quite often this game along with the mods I’m sure.

Hey yall can we please like keep it cool and calm and not start fights. Final warning

Well, you are acussing me this time.

I’m not here to fight.

I had enough of your bullshit acusations of me lying, when all the screenshots say otherwise.

can we not do this again please

Once again, I can easily grab screenshots to prove otherwise. That’s genuinely why it’s annoying me because I don’t want to bother fighting.

You very clearly knew what I meant when I said it. End off.

Okay, then do it.

Give me a screenshot that my role wasnt a moderror.
Give me a screenshot that my flavor wasnt a moderror.
Give me a screenshot you solved any of this moderrors.
Give me a screenshot that proves you didn’t change feedback n5 to help scum.
Give me a screenshot that you didn’t lie to me when it came about flavor solving and laughed about it later in dead chat.

there is literally no point having this discussion, the chat is just going to get locked
so please stop

I admitted to this.

Your flavour explained itself in the text.

I cannot solve moderrors during the game, especially noticed ones by multiple people otherwise I’ll get in trouble like I did last time for nerfing a role.

I never said flavours were role indicative.