Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

sculptordwarf i simp for u

What’s up guys

Why’s that

cuz ur a video gamer tbh

hi guys :smile:

Do you know who I am?

theirs a really easy way of telling


I see what you did their

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I thought a lot of people saw that lol

So who am I lol


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i guessed that in scumchat lol


Yes lol

Game was fun

I did decent

i rlly wanted to like this post lol

u had great takes ggggg

I was trying a new thing out so I used an alt so less people would reee at me for it

Curious what eevees gonna do with me dead tho

hopefully not sheep the wrong person lol

catch a wolf or two and then get killed tonight tbh

You’ve done great, Derps, you weren’t nightkilled for no reason.

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