Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat


they still need to get him killed

they do
but it’s not like town has really been present to do any voting, so if scum votes him out he gets yeeted pretty easily. you guys killed all the active players lmao.

Whom do kyo and eevee killing?

(wolf factional is on atnoname rn btw)

no idea who Kyo is after, but not Vul since he just bled him. He might go for Min or Rat?

as for Eevee, I wouldve bet Eevee would kill Vulgard except that Vulgard is now bleeding, so maybe not.

if any more of our team dies we’re not going to win

if vulgard dies then it’s basically guaranteed we lose and this seems quite likely unless he gets healed

he could have done this yesterday if he wanted to, but he shot YBW instead so i doubti t


the last healer just got voted out

I think Eevee wanted one more day on Vulgard tbh, but he’s definitely not going to kill Vul now lol.

or actually it depends on whether he read his class card correctly or not lol.

if he read his class card the way it was written, he can shoot literally anyone. if he read his class card the way it was supposed to be written, he can shoot anyone with less than 90 posts, right?


in something like ToL i quite like NK existing because most of the game is mech
but i’m not so sure i like it in games like this

having NK kill a wolf who they thought was town because they were playing well is kinda just demotivating

the wolf is basically punished for… playing well and making people think they are town? like how do you counter this? not act town and get voted out?

he knows that he can shoot the way it is written, iirc he commented on it

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Eevee only had two shots to start with and they’ve already used the 1st shot on YbW.

it also seems to me like NK can win games like this a lot more easily than on ToL as long as they act town socially

they don’t have to worry about protecting teammates and can push wolves to gain towncred (which is why it’s even stronger if people don’t know it exists)

the only thing that can get a smart NK killed is mech

Nah I think Kyo knows Vul is onto him at this point, and he has to kill the wolves anyway eventually. He hasn’t bled anyone the whole time and now he’s making his move.

That or a cop check, but you’re right that a seemingly towny play could fairly easy get the NK the win. The question that people have to ask, though, is why someone who is seemingly a townread for most people actually not dead yet.

NK is trying to win as well.

it’s just sad that the wolf is punished for playing well

Right. It’ll be interesting to see who Eevee shoots tonight. I get a feeling he might shoot town, but I haven’t seen his updated readlist since I skimmed the last few posts toward EoD, so idk.

if Kyo clips the number of wolves still in game, he still has a decent chance of winning unless the wolves push him tomorrow.

Kyo would be pushing Vulgard at this point either way, tbh

I mean the bleed on Vulgard wasn’t too bad on it’s own.
Except that + mis execute the healer 2nd time in a row is really bad news for Vulgard.