Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

Godfather is really strong against NK, as they can’t die unless they are executed or in this case are attacked twice.

Why did you call the role godfather anyway.

Now wolves forgot Whysper is not actually godfather.

Oh because godfather is usually death immune.

Godfather means you get peeked green, and that’s it.

At least it’s how this modifier/role is defined commonly.

I thought it was both, you get investigated as town and you’re also DI

And yes, I think wolves now think Light greenpeeked Whysper.

Not always the case, really.
In ToS, sure, but not in general.

oh, see, I thought that was a general thing in mafia games, whoops.

ftr I haven’t played ToS lol

Kyo has been killing everyone thinking they are scum.

E.G: Astand.

oh :joy: well, he needs to kill everyone eventually.

In fairness though, Light did “green check” them by attempting to roleblock Whysper and 4 deaths occured.

Roleblockers are also an investigative role if you think about it.

just not good ones.

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godfather means shows up green to invests but since the godfather in ToS is bulletproof everyone thinks that godfathers are just bulletproof

“clumsy investigatives”

I just finished solving all of the communist flavor rip.

You would have found min incompatible with TL if you weren’t the factional kill target.