Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

mafia and NK played way better than town
is this even debatable when 90% of the town are doing nothing

Well, I was doing… something.

But as I said yesterday, half of the town is inactive.
Kinda sad.

hence not 100%

one town player being good does not mean the town overall is good
the proportion of active players/those who played well is much higher for scum than town

min is outed, Whysper might manage to finish this tbh.

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yeah and they would totally kill you right? i think that me flipping mafia wouldn’t get them to kill you

for us to win they would have to mislynch 3 times

it is extremely unlike that 3 of nightingale, TL, light and gorta are killed before whysper

and yeah you can publicize wolfchat i don’t really care

terrible game for so many reasons
idk if i care enough to rant about it postgame but my god was it awful

sorry wolves

i want to know why kyo spite bled min

surely he doesn’t actually think town deserve this win over mafia

in the same way that kyo was killing mafia to win, we were trying to kill NK to win
so just bleeding min when dying is kinda rude

You know, just dont go stray so far from your psychological profile next time.

i don’t know if you’re speaking to me but if you are then i already explained in the thread why the argument of ‘arctic isn’t tunneling someone d1 like he did last game so he must be scum!!!1’ is invalid because i actually had a read on that person i was 95% confident on

even if i were town this game, i wouldn’t have been thinking people were obvious wolves d1 because nothing like that happened this game, and so i wouldn’t have been pushing people in the same way

you can’t go off of one town game and say that is how this person normally acts as town
the sample size is too small to make that conclusion

in fact you can see now that it’s finished i hardly pushed anyone while i was alive in merc’s game as town (not proud of this game btw lol)

nah he wanted to spite me because i spited him
it’s a cycle

It was to Vulgard

but were you even really spiting him? i saw no world in which mafia won if kyo wasn’t killed there

agreed, we played horribly and you killed all the town that was doing the talking anyway
the town that remains is honestly still not doing great but they’ll win by default

well, you guys did the second part lol.

leafia literally hasn’t done anything the whole game besides claim mason after sculptor was killed.

tbh I’m not even sorry I got day vigged by you, cause it really doesn’t look like I missed out on much.

I do agree with this, but I kind of felt like you were dodging things D1 and that’s mainly why I had a scumread on you. Since I didn’t read Vul’s ISO on you till after I compiled my own, I reached my conclusion independently.


The only world mafia wins if where Vulgard doesn’t push me