Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

i mean if leafia somehow votes gorta over whysper tomorrow then we can win

i felt bad for gorta when he ATE at the end of d2 but if he’s going to provide like 5 posts per day i can’t really feel bad for him being ML’ed every game

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Like I said, if gorta gets yeeted, Night inviting Leafia into neighbourhood ensures town win

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee… That’s gonna be annoying for them when they learn the reason why they got only useless info.

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Does roleblocking actually do that?

Give useless information

Nah, Wazza gave useless information becouse most mafia was killed by NK.

Oh yeah, LUL

go Whysper go


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the joycat makes that look more sarcastic than it is

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:smile_cat: smiley cat

:no_mouth: :no_mouth: :no_mouth:
:no_mouth: :houses: :no_mouth:
:no_mouth: :no_mouth: :no_mouth:

Whysper is boxing in town

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Holy shit
I’ve had a solid game
Is there spoilers anywhere?


also the rolecop (1-shot) and 1-shot bulletproof

I… did it?

did what???

Solved the game ezpz?

yeah, if only town followed through.

Okay… how did min die?

Kyo’s 2nd bleed